All posts about games for the PlayStation 3.
Check Out These Tales of Zestiria E3 Demo Clips
Thanks to RPGamer, we have some English gameplay footage of Tales of Zestiria from the Bandai Namco's show floor at E3.
All posts about games for the PlayStation 3.
Thanks to RPGamer, we have some English gameplay footage of Tales of Zestiria from the Bandai Namco's show floor at E3.
The latest Famitsu reveals Velvet's ufotable art on the cover plus some more details regarding Tales of Berseria.
Speculate no more! Bandai Namco Entertainment has just announced a PS4 and PC Steam version for Tales of Zestiria, coming to the West this October! We also have new screenshots and a trailer!
The latest issue of Shonen Jump revealed some more information regarding Tales of Berseria and its protagonist, Velvet.
Bandai Namco's Asia website had listed Tales of Zestiria for the PS4 and PC with October 2015 release dates, but have long since removed it at the time of posting.
Here's a summary post of all the news from Tales Festival 2015.
An anime TV series for Tales of Zestiria has just been announced over at Tales of Festival 2015!
The Next Tales of Game has just been announced at Tales of Festival! Tales of Berseria for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4! Updated with pictures of Velvet.
Alter's ALTAiR division has just announced upcoming figures for Tales of Xillia 2's Kresnik brothers, Ludger and Julius.
Well, this is a surprise. Bandai Namco Asia's Facebook account just hinted that they might actually be commenting on certain Tales rumors at this coming Tales of Festival.
Again, this is all a confusing matter but for now we're still labeling this all as a rumor.
Tales of Zestiria's first English dub trailer has just been released, along with an announcement that the game will indeed have dual audio.
Bandai Namco's latest press release teases "massive surprises" for the Tales of Series' 20th anniversary, along with a lovely video taking us through the Tales timeline.
It looks like Europe will be getting an affordable bundle for Tales of Graces f and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles.
An entry for Tales of Zestiria just appeared on Steam's database.
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