At the Jump Festa 2010 today, another "Yappari! Tales of" event was also held. The short talk focused mostly on Tales of Graces and Tales of Vesperia PS3, revealing new costume downloads for both games. [Read More...]
This month, Tales of Graces will get new downloadable content featuring costumes from the Nintendo DS game The Idolm@ster: Dearly Stars and from the ever popular Vocaloid.
A bunch of new costumes for the Vesperia gang are up in the Japanese PlayStation Network today, featuring cameos of the Tales of Series' prominent characters. They are calling this the "Strong Ones Compilation", which [Read More...]
EDIT (Nov 9, 2009): Today, Rikiya-san has edited his blogpost that had caused all the rumors, adding this line to the end of the earlier paragraph: ?Wii???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????09.11.09?
We usually don't update on DLC anymore, but this was quite interesting, so I updated. Starting October 29, 2009 (... cough), new, school-themed costumes will be available as DLC for Tales of Vesperia PS3.
Last month, fireguardiancoty (FireG from the Tales Forums) shared with us some dialogue he had together with Yuri Lowell's English voice actor, Troy Baker, regarding a localization for Tales of Vesperia PS3 possibly in the [Read More...]
The Tales of Graces official site has been updated today with info on a Wii bundle for a game and the opening of the Special section. The Special section just opened a small page for BoA and [Read More...]
Might as well put it up for now, so... The Tales of Graces section of the site is now open for viewing. It's using the Version 3 layout, so you'll pretty much get the idea of what [Read More...]
A new Weekly Shonen Jump scan about Tales of Graces has just surfaced, revealing the game's release date, the pre-order bonus and something interesting about the game's story. Click the thumbnail at the left to [Read More...]
The Tales of Vesperia ~The First Strike~ website has been updated today with three videos. The streaming from the site prevents anyone outside of Japan to access it, but we've uploaded it to YouTube for your viewing [Read More...]
Two new videos of Tales of Graces' in Tokyo Game Show 2009 have surfaced today. The first one is just a short video of the Tales of Graces area in Namco Bandai Games' booth, while [Read More...]
(Late news post, early video upload. Blame Jeanna D'Arc) The Tales of Vesperia PS3 Official Website's System Section has been updated today with pages on the Battle System and PSN Downloads.
Today (or rather, 2 hours after this post is made) marks the actual release of Tales of Vesperia PS3. To those who pre-ordered the game and to those who already have the game, may you [Read More...]
It was mentioned long ago that a few parts in Tales of Vesperia's PS3 version will be modified in order to show connections between the movie Tales of Vesperia ~The First Strike~ and itself. This [Read More...]