A new Tales of Xillia scan from Famitsu has surfaced, showing new information about new character Leia Roland. Also, you can now see her in her proper colors.
We have a few new bits of information from Famitsu.com about Tales of the Abyss 3DS, as well as a few comparison screenshots between the PS2 and 3DS versions of the game.
A new magazine scan that was leaked online today reveals a new playable character for the Tales of Xillia team: a young girl named Leia Roland with designs by Mutsumi Inomata.
God Eater Burst's official blog has just announced that it will be having DLC costumes of Asbel Lhant and Cheria Barnes from Tales of Graces/Tales of Graces F.
According to Siliconera's interview and article, it was mainly due to the fans that Tales of Graces F is getting a localization. Also, it seems the platform for the NA release is still unclear.
Today marks the awaited date that was floating around in Namco Bandai's little teaser site a few days back. It is now official that Tales of Graces F for the PlayStation 3 will indeed be [Read More...]
Namco Bandai's site containing distorted images has been updated with a new one again today. This time, the logo of a particular game is blatantly obvious. Could this just be what Tales of Vesperia fans [Read More...]
Two new magazine scans for Tales of Xillia have surfaced, revealing more information about the previously announced character, Alvin, and new features of the battle system.
Read. The. Big. Might. On. The. Title. MIGHT. JUST MIGHT. Just a few hours after Namco Bandai posted their little puzzle for fans to solve, avid fans have been finding ways on solving it. Though Mr. [Read More...]
Due to Tales of Xillia's introduced battle system, there were a few of us who speculated having only Jude and Milla as the playable characters. The new scan however reveals the third member of the [Read More...]
The official Tales of Xillia website has finally been updated today, complete with the site's content sections and a two color schemes you can choose from.