Abyssal Chronicles' Big 777 Promo/Contest is officially over! All entries sent at the time after Wednesday, 22 June 2011, 07:00am PDT, Los Angeles, California time (or Wednesday, 22 June 2011, 10:00pm PHT, Manila, Philippines time), [Read More...]
It's time for the big contest guys! Here are the details! It's time to hunt for some gummy treats~! Please place all inquiries you may have in the comments below. And we've decided to increase [Read More...]
You guys will recall that I asked on Twitter/Facebook a bunch of days ago about which version of Tales of Xillia you'd prefer to get, either the Japanese or the Asian version. Well, I didn't [Read More...]
The Tales of Xillia official site has been widely updated today — there are new screenshots of the new key characters, Nachtigal and Ivar and the StarDriver DLC. Also included are concept artworks of the [Read More...]
We have a total of 27 new Tales of Xillia screenshots today from 4Gamer. They mainly focus on the Schall/Char siblings, the use of Link Artes (we formerly called them "Resonance Artes", but the trailer officially [Read More...]
Here's even more news from the Tales of Festival 2011. Namco Bandai will be releasing a Tales of Xillia themed PlayStation 3 console. The game's box-art has also been released, and those who will pre-order [Read More...]
Though there were rumors of Tales of Xillia for the PS3 coming out this August in Japan, the Tales of Festival 2011 confirms that the game will be coming out this September in Japan. The [Read More...]
Though there was an initial post that Tales of Xillia's opening song would be something called "Making Fate" by Ayumi Hamasaki, the artist previously denied that she knew anything about it. In today's Tales of [Read More...]