All posts about games for the PC.
Meet Tales of Arise's Hero and Heroine, New Extended Trailer from Tales of Festival 2019
Tales of Festival 2019 introduces Tales of Arise's hero and heroine, Alphen and Shionne!
All posts about games for the PC.
Tales of Festival 2019 introduces Tales of Arise's hero and heroine, Alphen and Shionne!
The Next Tales of mothership title, Tales of Arise was just announced at this year's E3. Take a look at Famitsu's interview with its producer, Yusuke Tomizawa-san!
Well, here's our confirmation, straight from Microsoft's press conference at E3 2019!
It's almost time for E3 and Tales of Festival 2019, and the rumors are already leaking in. Can this hopefully be real...?
Check out this new Japanese trailer of Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition featuring the game's system, as well as new screenshots featuring costumes, attachments and more!
The latest trailer for Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition that was revealed at Anime Expo 2018 this past weekend is now available on Youtube!
Just announced at Day 2 of Tales of Festival 2018, Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition will be getting a whole bunch of collaborative content in Japan!
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition was announced during Microsoft's Xbox E3 presentation! Confirmed for PS4, Xbox One, Switch and Steam!
Bandai Namco has been posting English profile videos of the playable characters in Tales of Berseria to compliment the localization. Now updated with Eizen's video.
Tales of Berseria is officially out in North America and Europe on the PS4 & Steam! To accompany the launch, Bandai Namco released a trailer as well! Check it out here:
Bandai Namco has released new details on Tales of Berseria's upcoming PC release!
Tales of Berseria demo available on January 10th, 2017 for both the PS4 & Steam. New dubbed video released as well. UPDATE: Bandai Namco talks about the censorship issue.
Bandai Namco Entertainment has released a new English trailer featuring the different system mechanics that Tales of Berseria has to offer.
Those who've been waiting for so long in Europe can now rest easy. A Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition has just been announced for Europe, along with some physical pre-order bonuses!
It hasn't even been 24 hours yet, but you'll find that you can no longer pre-order Tales of Berseria's US Collector's Edition anywhere.
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