Tales of the Abyss 3DS Release Date and Pre-order Bonus Information
A new magazine scan reveals the Japan release date of Tales of the Abyss 3DS, as well as the pre-order bonus of the game.
A new magazine scan reveals the Japan release date of Tales of the Abyss 3DS, as well as the pre-order bonus of the game.
Various Japanese gaming sites have put up detailed information on and some new screenshots of the upcoming Nintendo 3DS port of Tales of the Abyss. The game's official site has also been updated with the info.
We have a few new bits of information from Famitsu.com about Tales of the Abyss 3DS, as well as a few comparison screenshots between the PS2 and 3DS versions of the game.
The teaser site for the upcoming Tales of the Abyss port for the Nintendo 3DS just went online today, complete with a little 3D effect.
A new magazine scan from Weekly Jump features the upcoming 3DS port of Tales of the Abyss. There really isn't anything new, save for the expected 3D graphics and the now redone artwork.
The upcoming port of Tales of the Abyss for the Nintendo 3DS will be coming out on Spring 2011 in Japan, according to Nintendo Japan's 3DS Spring 2011 Line Up. Aside from that, it seems [Read More...]
Famitsu.com released a long list of upcoming games for the 3DS, among Bandai Namco's games, Tales of the Abyss is listed.
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