AC Weigh-in Special: Tales of Arise Demo Review
While we wait for the full game to come out, here's the AC Staff and their thoughts on the recently released Tales of Arise demo!
While we wait for the full game to come out, here's the AC Staff and their thoughts on the recently released Tales of Arise demo!
What have you been doing while stuck at home?
Here are our two cents on what's in store for Tales for the year 2020.
For the December 2019 AC Weigh-In, we talk a little about the holidays!
For the November 2019 edition of AC Weigh-In, we talk about the anime adaptations made available for the different Tales titles!
For the September-October 2019 edition of the AC Weigh-in, we talk about the Tokyo Game Show 2019 Tales of Arise Stage and Tales of Crestoria!
For August 2019's edition of the weigh-in, we'll be talking about skits in general!
For July 2019's edition of the weigh-in, we'll be talking about everyone's impressions of Tales of Arise!
For June 2019's edition of the weigh in, we will be talking about our speculations for this year's Tales of Festival! We are also joined by two of our patrons this month!
For May 2019's edition of the weigh-in, we'll be talking about costumes!
For April 2019's edition of the weigh-in, we'll be talking about everyone's favorite Tales pastime—cooking!
This month's weigh-in involves merchandise--from what we own to what we'd like to see!
January 2019's AC Weigh-in talks a bit about Tales of Vesperia and the future of the series!
November 2018's edition of AC Weigh-In involves battle themes, dungeons and more!
We discuss ideal Tales teams, dream cross-overs and favorite Mystic Artes and character designers in the October 2018 issue of AC Weigh-In!
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