Some of you guys may be familiar with Tales of Charity - a group of Tales fans who marathon various Tales of Series games in order to raise money to be donated to the Child's Play Charity. You can check out their Twitter and Facebook for more details.

They recently just ended their Tales of Vesperia marathon, and up next will be their Tales of Symphonia event. The team will be playing Tales of Symphonia on Mania difficulty for the upcoming entire weekend of January 18-20, 2013. They will start at 7pm EST (NY Time) on Friday night with the live stream up on ustream.com.
For anyone willing to help, you can donate any amount via PayPal (preferably during the event dates) for their cause, and all proceeds will be donated to Child's Play. For more information, check out the full post here. You may want to message them on Twitter/Facebook or e-mail them, as even I can't find the donate button.