The Tales of VS. official website updated today with two new system videos: Survival Battle and Single Battle.

~ Basic Flow
- Once your strength (presumably HP) has been diminished to zero, your character will then have to retire. You will continuously go against CPU characters under the "1 Life Match" rule (only one life available per battle). Your number of consecutive victories are recorded, with a ranking list available. Eventually, you may be able to beat your own records.
~ CPU Characters Steadily Become Stronger
- As your character progresses through the series of survival battles, CPU characters steadily become stronger. That being the case, GP (Grade Points) are also earned and can be used for customizing your characters to better fit the upcoming battles. It seems you can also use the Ad Hoc Correspondence mode to cooperate with others in these battles.
~~~ Quick Battle - Single Battles
~ Basic Flow
- Battles in this mode can be modified to your heart's content. You can appoint the opponents you want to go against, the division of teams, the stage, the set rule, the BGM, etc. They consist of only a single battle, as the name implies. Winning in these also earn you GPs for use.
Also, Downloads for the 2nd trailer of ToV PS3 can be found in the post before this. 21 HD screenshots of the trailer have also been added to theGallery.