ToVS. - Final 3 Characters Revealed + Trailer#3(Shop PV) + Be your wings PV

A new magazine scan has surfaced, revealing the final three characters for Tales of VS. The final three are Dhaos (Tales of Phantasia), Barbatos (Tales of Destiny 2) and Iria Animi (Tales of Innocence). By how they are represented in the scan, we are sure they are the final three for the game.

tovsscan pv3thumb beyourwings
Also, Tales of VS.'s third game trailer has been revealed. This particular trailer is the one they show in Japanese game shops and has a commentary by GIRL NEXT DOOR, the opening theme's artist, at the very beginning. I've cut out the part of their commentary though. The trailer also features a significantly longer version of the game's opening theme, Be your wings, and a few new anime scenes from the game's opening. Considering the song's length, I wouldn't be surprised if this will be the version used in the opening. Enjoy~. Oh, and download below. The video download is a reencode to remove the part where GIRL NEXT DOOR is commenting, so I'd be surprised if you find this particular download version anywhere else.

»»» Tales of VS. PV3/Shop PV - MediaFire
»»» Be your wings PV rip (MP3) - MediaFire
»»» Be your wings PV FULL rip (MP3) - MediaFire (from cutepresea)

EDIT: someone uploaded the full PV of Be your wings on youtube. The video could be found here. The download for the mp3 rip of this is now available.(thanks to cutepresea for the heads up and the mp3) -LaZyEnErGeTiC

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.