ToV & ToS-R Officially Announced + New Info/Screens + ToDDC Guidebook

Thanks to this article from, Namco Bandai has made the official announcement for the localizations of Tales of Vesperia for the XBox 360 and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World for the Nintendo Wii. The article pretty much contains things we already know about. They do however, have some very HQ screenshots up, with new ones for both. They also announced that both will be out later this year.

ToV is looking to be quite impressive graphics wise. You'll get a glimpse of the world map in the screens, the towns and a dungeon-like area, a huge ship, a spell that looks a bit like Negative Gate, and a close-up of Yuri, the hero. As for ToS-R, they just revealed the same info we all know already. All screenshots have been added to the gallery. Have fun viewing them~

Also, thanks to Kasn from the Tales Forums for pointing it out,DegenkiOnline has just released a bunch of new screenshots for ToS-R. It shows a lot of Alice and Decus, plus a few of Emil and the rest. You can find them here.

AND Minako Takahashi, the one in charge of ToS-R's localization happened to drop by the Tales Forums as Messenger Squirrel (it's her since even the mods confirm it's her) and gave us some info on how ToS-R's doing. She said:

"Hi everyone, this is Minako, and since IGN ousted me as the one in charge of localizing this title (wasn't expecting that), I figured I should introduce myself. Peter has done an amazing job as the localization producer for the entire Tales series, but localizing two Tales game in one year would have been asking way too much from him, so I have been assigned to this title (since I worked on TOS under Nao). However, this does not mean that Peter won't be involved at all. He is the Tales guru, and I will be consulting him along the way.

Anyway, I am happy that all of you are excited about this title. I'll try and pop-in occasionally and answer any questions that I can (or allowed).

As for the screen shot, it is temporary. We are currently in the process of picking an English font for the game and coming up with skill names.

I can't go into specifics of the game like battle and story, so I won't be able to answer anything along those lines (I'm not ignoring you, it's just that if I answered them, my marketing and Japan's marketing will hunt me down). But I'll try and answer those that I can.

1. Original TOS Voice Actors: we are trying, but I cannot promise anything.
2. Skits will be voiced (or that is the plan).
3. Font for TOS: it's a variation of a Japanese font called "風雲体" (we won't be using this one for DNW).
4. Sales date: we're aiming for all I can say."

And lastly, the perfect guide book for ToDDC will be out by the end of this month (depends on the Japan district). It'll cost 1470 Yen, tax included (that's around $14). The cover is here.

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.