TotA Anime New Trailer (Karma Confirmed as OP theme) + New ToH Scans

Updates have just been made over at the Official Tales of the Abyss Anime Website with story and character info (will be adding the new images to the gallery soon... way sooner than you think), plus a confirmation that they WILL be reusing KARMA as the anime's opening theme song.

There is also a new PV, which you can view here.

For Tales of Hearts, thanks to Rpgmonkey from the Official Tales Forums, we have new scans about the game (click thumbnails above). It features a few screenshots of the anime versions of the characters and a group art (also the anime edition boxart) featuring three yet unnamed characters. One is a girl holding a big paint brush, next is the guy in the blue, and the last is the blonde guy in the background. The article also confirms two separate cartridges for the CG events version and the animated events version.

By the way, I forgot to add, but the high quality versions of Kane wo Narashite full and full karaoke have been added to the Tales of Vesperia Audio Page. Also completed the voice samples download of the seiyuus.

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About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.