Yay, prelims are over XD...

For ToI, the release date of the Official Complete Strategy Guide has been announced, and it will be around mid January of 2008 and it will cost about 1890 Yen (roughly $17). The strategy guide will also have official character art (like the one above), so they say it's a must have for the fans =). In the Staff Voice page, they've also updated with official art of the villains, plus Coda. Click thumbnails above to view them.
As for the new affiliates, we are now affiliated with Flamzeron from theTales Forums' Tales World, his personal fansite about the Tales Series, andTales Channel, an IRC site for the Tales Series. Also, the owner of Tales Channel has asked me to relay to everyone that they will be holding a banner making contest soon, and the prize happens to be a copy of Tales of Innocence~. Visit their site for more details XD.