In just a little while, I believe that Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World will be released Stateside. While you wait, have a look here, at IGN's review of the game. They gave it a slightly disappointing 6.7, and I've seen some rants about this review in a bunch of places now. I have no comment whatsoever though. If you truly love the game then get it XD;
As of November 7th, the Tales of Vesperia Perfect Guide has been released. To those who missed it, the Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk Perfect Guide has been released since September 26th. Each costs 2,100 Yen ($21.50). Info here.
Lastly, two new affiliates! First one is Tales of Italia, a newly opened Italian Tales Fansite targeting our fellow Tales fans from Italy. To our Italian visitors, please support the site by paying them a visit! Second one isUberScore, a vast gaming site offering news and reviews on pretty much every game out there. Pay a visit to our new affiliates! ...That said, I noticed that the affiliates list has been getting a bit too... long XD; This weekend, I'll be conducting an affiliates visit to each of our affiliates to check which are active and inactive. I'll be e-mailing those with dead sites, and if I don't get a reply within a week, said affiliate(s) will be removed to the list. Re-affiliation is still possible though.
On a random note, if you visit the Tales Channel, they've changed the previous Vesperia page intro into a Hearts intro. Refresh the page and it switches between the CG and Anime versions.