ToS-DotNW Reviewed by IGN + ToV Perfect Guide Out

In just a little while, I believe that Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World will be released Stateside. While you wait, have a look here, at IGN's review of the game. They gave it a slightly disappointing 6.7, and I've seen some rants about this review in a bunch of places now. I have no comment whatsoever though. If you truly love the game then get it XD;

As of November 7th, the Tales of Vesperia Perfect Guide has been released. To those who missed it, the Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk Perfect Guide has been released since September 26th. Each costs 2,100 Yen ($21.50). Info here.

Lastly, two new affiliates! First one is Tales of Italia, a newly opened Italian Tales Fansite targeting our fellow Tales fans from Italy. To our Italian visitors, please support the site by paying them a visit! Second one isUberScore, a vast gaming site offering news and reviews on pretty much every game out there. Pay a visit to our new affiliates! ...That said, I noticed that the affiliates list has been getting a bit too... long XD; This weekend, I'll be conducting an affiliates visit to each of our affiliates to check which are active and inactive. I'll be e-mailing those with dead sites, and if I don't get a reply within a week, said affiliate(s) will be removed to the list. Re-affiliation is still possible though.

On a random note, if you visit the Tales Channel, they've changed the previous Vesperia page intro into a Hearts intro. Refresh the page and it switches between the CG and Anime versions.

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.