Tokyo Game Show 2022: More Details And Specs of Tales of Symphonia Remastered

More details on Symphonia Remastered

Tales of Symphonia Remastered got new details during Tokyo Game Show 2022.

From the official website and also from today's Tales of Series special Tokyo Game Show 2022 stream, here are some noted changes of the upcoming Tales of Symphonia Remastered.

Game Features

  • Mainly based on the PS3 version of Tales of Symphonia according to the stream
  • Added an event skip function
  • FPS stabilization (30 FPS)
  • Changes in the save screen
  • Improved maritime movement

Graphics HD upgrade

  • Main characters' graphics were updated
  • The opening and 2D skits have been upgraded to HD
  • World map graphics improvements

Specs Comparison

In addition, a comparison of the game's specs depending on the platform was also made available:

Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 Xbox One
Screen resolution TV mode: 1920x1080
* Works at maximum 2K resolution.
Table mode/Portable mode: 1280x720
PS4: 1920x1080
PS4Pro: 1920x1080
* Works at maximum 2K resolution.
Xone: 1920x1080
Xbox One X: 1920x1080
* Works at up to 2K resolution.
Enhanced support none none none
Frame Rate 30 FPS 30 FPS 30 FPS
Online function - Multiplayer online play none none none
Online function - Paid subscription none none none
Number of offline players with local multiplayer Main story: 1-player
battle only: Supports up to 4 players
Main story: 1-player
battle only: Supports up to 4 players
Main story: 1-player
battle only: Supports up to 4 players
Paid DLC none none none
Recommended data storage
Number of saved data
Data Storage: 11GB
microSD/SDHC/SDXC Memory Card Required: x
Number of Saved Data: 100
Required HDD space: 11GB
Number of saved data: 100
Required HDD space: 11GB
Number of saved data: 100
Compatibility Backward compatible with PS5 Backward compatible with Xbox Series X|S
Others Joy-Con™ sharing
play supported (only during battle)

I think the most important points here would be the fact the game is stabilized at 30fps, which may be a disappointment for some. At the very least, local multiplayer is retained for the game (effective during battles).

A bit of gameplay was also shown during the stream, which pretty much plays the same as the PS3 version.

Tales of Series in Yomiuriland

The Tales of Series will be having a collaboration with Japanese theme park Yomiuriland beginning November 2022. New illustrations from the Symphonia cast were also shown:

Tales of Symphonia Remastered will be released Winter Early 2023 worldwide for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. For the West, a limited edition Chosen Edition bundle is currently available for pre-order at Bandai Namco's Official Stores. The US version of the Chosen Edition is Bandai Namco Store Exclusive.

Tales of Symphonia Remastered is now available for pre-order at the following shops (Note: Please keep in mind that we may receive a commission when you click on our links and make a purchase. This, however, has no bearing on our reviews and comparisons.):

US: North America: EU: Europe:

Tales of Symphonia
Tales of SymphoniaTales of Symphonia is the fifth mothership title of the series and the only title to be released for the Nintendo GameCube. It was then later ported to the PlayStation 2. It has a direct sequel escort title in the form of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, and the two were later ported to the PlayStation 3 as a single release in the form of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. The game is a distant prequel to Tales of Phantasia.

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About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.

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