TGS 2019: New Character Teased in New Tales of Arise Short Trailer, Stage Event Report

With a flying owl mascot, it seems.

A new short trailer teased a new character for Tales of Arise during the Tales of Arise Tokyo Game Show 2019 Stage!

The Tales of Arise Stage has just concluded, featuring a bit of new information and teasing a new character from a short trailer.

New Short Trailer

To those who want to jump to the trailer right away, check it out here:

Tales of Arise Stage Event Report

You can rewatch the whole stream here. Present at the live stage was Producer Yusuke Tomizawa, Takuya Sato (voice of Alphen) and Shino Shimoji (voice of Shionne). Here's a little report of what went on at the event for those who missed the live stream.

The live stream began with reshowing the trailer from Tales of Festival 2019, afterwhich with a summary of the game's story setting that was previously revealed was again narrated (you can read about it over at our Tales of Arise page). Spirits and "mana" (or magic) is an integral part of Tales games. In Arise, this is termed as "Astral Force" (or Astral Energy in the trailer, but the translator during the Stage event termed it as Astral Force) which resides in all living things. Astral Force can be utilized as Astral Artes, but only Renans can do so. Meaning, Shionne can use Astral Artes, such as healing artes which she is shown using on Alphen in a screenshot and in the new trailer. Whenever Renans use Astral Force, their eyes glow.

The sword given to Shionne by Alphen is called the Torch Flame sword. It is also a manifestation of Astral Force that resides within Shionne's body.  If an ordinary person holds it, they get severely burned. But thanks to Alphen's curse, he can hold the sword no problem. The curse, however, makes Alphen not notice how much pain he is actually feeling, enough to actually die from it.

A person asked if holding the Torch Flame declines HP, but Tomizawa said he cannot answer this for now.

The official cosplayers for Alphen and Shionne were then called onto the stage. The detail is amazing, including Alphen's sword that can glow. Photo sessions with the cosplayers will be allowed later after the event.

Satoh-san also tried to carry the sword. He laughs about it since you have to connect the sword to a power cord for it to actually light up.

Satoh-san also tried voicing his lines. He comments on Alphen - his condition is unique and he lives in a unique world, with a strong sense of justice. One of his concerns was if Alphen is able to breathe or see with that mask, since it affects his acting, too. Satoh-san states that despite the curse Alphen does have emotions and recognizes that others have pain, making him more sensitive to what is around him and with a sense of protecting others. He is, mostly, a sensitive and gentle person.

Shimoji-san also says lines from Shionne. She comments that Shionne is a proper lady with a strict way of carrying herself. Shionne was an especially difficult character to play for Shimoji-san, but she can't say much for now.

Since the two characters have a lot of scenes together, Satoh-san and Shimoji-san have a lot of times being in the same recording booth. Shimoji-san states that she received a lot of help thanks to Satoh-san. Of course, this collaboration was shared with other party members, and enemies, too, making Arise come to life.

Note that these two aren't exactly new to Tales. Satoh-san voiced Benwick from Tales of Berseria while Shimoji-san voiced Karia from Tales of the Rays.

As Benwick, Satoh-san's position was to provide missions to other players, so the mindset during that role was completely different. So for him  to now play the leader is a fresh feeling.

As Karia, Shimoji-san states that everyone was really nice to her. Karia is a cheery character and mood maker, vastly different from Shionne. It is exciting but with enormous pressure for her, since it is an enormous responsibility as the heroine of the game.

Tomizawa-san states that with art design and direction by a single person, Minoru Iwamoto-san, it gives the game a more unified direction. That said, the game did have a lot of visual challenges to overcome. A new backdrop from the game was also shown.

The latter part of the Stage event announced new information for Tales of Crestoria (which includes a new gameplay trailer) and Tales of Asteria, with it closing with the new short trailer.

With recording for the game still actually ongoing, there are still a lot of things that they can't reveal about the game, but slowly but surely news will come for the game.

Tales of Arise is now available at the following shops (Note: Please keep in mind that we may receive a commission when you click on our links and make a purchase. This, however, has no bearing on our reviews and comparisons.):

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Tales of Arise
Tales of AriseTales of Arise is the latest mothership title (new classification: original title) of the Tales of Series which was first announced during Microsoft’s Press Conference in E3 2019. The game was released for the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC Digital via Steam on September 9, 2021 for Asia and Japan and September 10, 2021 for the rest of the world. The game features use of the Unreal Engine 4 and works on the theme of tradition versus evolution of the series.

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About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.

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