Tales of Vesperia 10th Anniversary Party will be held at Maihama Amphitheater this Sunday, September 16.
Tales Channel+ Twitter Account confirmed that the blu-ray of the upcoming Tales of Vesperia 10th Anniversary Event will be released on February 26, 2019 and will cost 6,800 yen + taxes.
Additionally, the blu-ray will include bonus footage commented by the game's cast.
【情報解禁】「テイルズ オブ ヴェスペリア 10th Anniversary Party」のBlu-rayが2019年2月26日(火)に発売決定!!昼夜2公演に加え、特典映像はキャストコメント映像を収録予定!詳細はこちら⇒https://t.co/Oaz4XBD0a1 #テイルズ #TOV pic.twitter.com/Qzmjmjx5Iq
— テイルズチャンネル+ (@tales_ch) September 14, 2018
More details can be found on the official site: https://tov10th.tales-ch.jp/anniversary_party/bd/
Pre-orders are now open at CDJapan and Amazon JP! (Both ship overseas)