The latest issue of Weekly Shonen Jump confirms Tales of Zestiria's Japanese release date, as well as reveals the game's main visual illustration, pre-order bonuses and a new character named Rosé.

"It's too late, you know? Even if you regret having helped."
Voiced by: Mikako Komatsu (Sei Iori in Gundam Build Fighters, Neko in K)
Designed by: Kosuke Fujishima
Due to some circumstance, she will be joining Sorey and the others in their journey. She becomes the party's mood-maker with her bright and cheerful personality. For some reason, she has the same level of "Spirit Powers" as Sorey, making her able to sense (and possibly see?) the Divine like he can.
Well, that came out of nowhere. This character seems quite important, especially if in the main visual illustration you see above, she's practically upfront with Sorey. Why they only decided to show her now is a mystery. We also see Zaveid on the illustration, so perhaps he might be playable, after all? We'll see. Also note that main visuals are usually used for the game's boxart.

- 1 Premium Rubber Strap - There are 4 kinds (Sorey, Alisha, Mikleo or Edna) but you only get one at random.
- Download code for special Mystic Artes for Mikleo, Alisha and Lailah that you can only get via pre-order
Well, that's... surprising. We doubt those will be those characters' main Mystic Artes, but still... this is the first time we ever get Mystic Artes as pre-order bonuses.
Hopefully we'll see more of Rosé during Tokyo Game Show this month.
- Regular Edition (US) - Play-Asia | Amazon
- Regular Edition (EU) - Play-Asia | ShopTo.net (UK)
- Regular Edition (JP) - Play-Asia
- Regular Edition (AU) - EBGames AU