Tales of VS. Updates - New System Video and Various Bonuses

The Tales of VS. official site has been updated with a new system video and the opening of its Special section. 

sysvid9The new system video portrays the game's Character Customization feature. To refresh your minds, customization can be done through equipping skills that you obtain from equipment (bought from shops) and leveling up various stats with the use of GP (Grade Points). Click the thumbnail to view the video on our YouTube channel.

dvdcoverdvdDVDThe Special section has been updated with a product information page, info on the preorder bonus and a special something for Tales of Vesperia PS3. The bonus this time around will be called "Dramatic DVD - Dark Hero", and will contain the following:

~ Special Skit Drama "Tales of the Dark Knight"
~ Tales of VS. Illustration Gallery
~ Tales of Series Promotion Videos and the like (probably not new)
~ "Special Battle Download Password" - can gain you access to a special battle and some original weapon.

You will notice that the bonus doesn't have the opening movie this time around. Either it really won't be included, or the list of the DVD's contents is incomplete. I do think it's the former though.

tovskitAlso, it was previously announced that a special product code from Tales of VS. can be used on the PlayStation® Store to unlock an original skit in Tales of Vesperia PS3. Take note that this isn't exactly a preorder bonus. The site says that only the first batch of released games will be having this code, so preordering seems the most likely option if you want this code. Incidentally, Tales of Vesperia PS3 will also have some kind of bonus unlockable in Tales of VS.

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.