Tales of Vesperia, Tales of Hearts, and Main Site Updates

New scans, videos and more.

The Tales of Vesperia Main Site with videos of Burst Artes and Fatal Strikes for Raven and Judith. They've also added a "Countdown Calendar" wallpaper over at the downloads page. You can also get it from our gallery, main links below. If you'll check here, we've added a new commercialfor Tales of Vesperia. As expected, "ESTEEELLEE!!!" XD. We've also added this new PV. I'm not sure where it's supposed to be from (found it onNicoNicoDouga), but I think this is one of the Shop PVs. It has Kane wo Narashite playing. Also added a few scans, showing new a rabbit ears attachment for Rita and mustache attachment for Yuri (O_o), andcostumes for Karol and Estelle!. Karol's costume is the "Toweller" (that's the Japanese name for Luke's Towel Boy title) and Estelle's is something like "Earnest Medical."

Over at GameTrailers, they added an interview with Dennis Lee, the game's Senior Marketing Manager. He just talks a bit about the game's story, and you'll see some of the opening movie's scenes in the video. According to Namdai, the US release really will be on the 26th of August.

Lastly, from Famitsu, we have a few new updates. For Vesperia, you can watch a video here about the contents of the Preorder Bonus DVD (Tales Channel DVD), and it's looking pretty awesome. For Tales of Hearts, an interview with Hideo Baba and Manabu Koike. Thanks to Rpgmonkey's translation, here are a few important details to point out:

- Game's theme is connection of hearts
- Development of this game has been going on since Winter 2006
- Altogether, the movie scenes would be at around 10 minutes (CG and anime ones separate time)
- That last CG scene in the trailer was actually part of the CG opening
- The touch screen will be used in battle, as well as accessing menus. The mic won't be used at the moment.
- Turns out you can't let your off-battle characters join in a battle, but you can call them for a combination attack, afterwhich they're gone again (think Marvel vs. Capcom)
- The ending will either be a movie or not. They still haven't thought of a final medium.
- Still not clear if the CG and Anime versions will be in one cartridge or not.
- Concept of the battle system would still be quite similar to the old ones. Overlimit gauge, etc.
- Grades will be available. No news yet if there'll be guilds though.
- A character by the name of "Hisui" was being talked about in the interview, but they never did reveal who he's supposed to be.

Site Updates:
*Nininsankyaku, Nininsankyaku (Karaoke), Rock Project Medoley/Medley (from Derek) added to the ToS-R Audio Page
*Lyrics for Nininsankyaku (from cutepresea) and Ring A Bell (unofficial) added to the Lyrics Page
*Happy Happy (Arche theme song), Yume wa Owaranai Remix Karaoke, TAO game version, Nininsankyaku game version, Hoshi wo Sora ni Karaoke (from Danette-Anime-Otaku) added to their respective audio pages
*Karaoke versions of Yume wa Owaranai, TAO, Goodnight, and Flying (from Danette Anime Otaku and Derek) added to their respective audio pages.
*New affiliate, Disgaea Fan.net. A fan of the Disgaea series and looking for some info? Drop by here!
*New affiliate, GameMasterX. Looking for an active gaming community? Come and join their forums!
*Added high quality ToV art from GamerSyde here

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About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.