Famitsu Magazine's score for upcoming Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS isn't as good as some thought it would be.
Famitsu Magazine gave the game a score of 8/8/7/8 for a total of 31/40. This score is a ways away from what the PS2 version got, which was 9/9/9/9 totaling 36/40.
Seeing the history of Famitsu scores that the Tales of Series has been receiving, Tales of the Abyss 3DS's score can be considered as one of the lowest ever received by the series. Not exactly the lowest, but among the lowest.
Taking a quick look at the reviewer's comments, the score seems to have stemmed from the game being much like the PS2 version, with nothing much new. But then again, this is a port, so... Other complaints include some text in the menus being too small to read (specifically, at the characters' status screens) and the movement when at the field being too slow. The good things noted include the 3D feature being a fresh experience, the use of shortcuts at the bottom screen being unexpectedly convenient and the loading times being much shorter now as compared to the PS2 version.
Tales of the Abyss 3DS will be released in Japan this June 30, 2011. US and European releases have been confirmed for some time this 2011.