This week's Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Japanese website update features Raine Sage's character introduction video.
As usual, the video has scenes of Raine in-game, as well as her in battle in her Pascal (Tales of Graces/Graces f) costume.
Only 6 days left until the Japanese release of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles!
Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack, known as Tales of Symphonia Chronicles in the west, will be released in Japan this October 10, 2013 and in the US and Europe early 2014. Pre-orders are now available at the following places:
- Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (US Version) - Play-Asia | Amazon | GameStop
- Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (EU Version) - Play-Asia
- Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack (Regular JP Version) - Play-Asia | CDJapan | Amiami | YesAsia
- Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack (Regular ASIA Version) - Play-Asia | YesAsia
- Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack (Lalabit Market JP Version) - Play-Asia
- Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack (Lalabit Market ASIA Version) - Play-Asia | YesAsia
- Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack (Famitsu DX JP Version) - Play-Asia