Tales of Hearts Updates + Thanks Guys ^^/

First off, thanks to everyone for the greetings below. I reeaaaallly appreciate it, and I was really touched with all the messages T___T. I know I have my shortcomings (ahaha look at all the pending site stuff ahahaha -killed by a bunch of Cheagles-), but I'm glad everyone still supports the site =D.

Anyway, Tales of Hearts update. They updated the ToH Site with new covers for the preorder bonuses. Click the thumbnails above. The anime version preorder bonus is titled "Viva HeartFul! Tales of DVD. Hearts Channel." As usual, it'll have the drama chat (entitled "Atsumare! Tales Back!"), Tales of Festival 2008 coverage, Tales of Hearts Opening Movie (Anime), A "New Tales of Series Title" PV, and something about Bandai Namco. The CG Version preorder bonus, which is entitled Visual & Original Soundtrack DVD, will have original models of the 3D characters, an interview, the Opening Movie (CG Version), again with that "New Tales of Series Title" PV, and that Bandai Namco thing again. Damn it Namdai, that new PV better not be just RM2...

Also, new PVs/trailers out! Not really much, they just show more of the anime and CG scenes. Downloads over at the ToH Video Page. Click thumbnails below to view them in YouTube:


One last thing, added the Tales of Series Piano Arrange Tracks to the Other Tales Audio Page, courtesy of Derek. Thank you!

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.