Tales of Graces Site Update + New Official Art and Costume Screen Shots

A small Tales of Graces site update has been made today regarding challenge battles and the fan illustrations for the upcoming official complete guide of the game. Also added are Blast Caliber cut-ins and images of the Idolm@ster costumes.

The Special section of the Tales of Graces site has been updated with the usernames of the people whose fan arts have been officially included in the upcoming Tales of Graces Official Complete Guide. Check here to see if your name has been included. The other update includes a new network challenge battle.

Sophie Pascal Cheria Idolm@ster costumes screenshots 
New images of the Idolm@ster Dearly Stars costumes for Sophie, Pascal and Cheria have been added to the gallery. Again, the costumes will be available for download on December 16 for 400 WiiPoints each costume. Sophie dresses as Eri, Pascal as Ai and Cheria as Ryo.

Lastly, if you guys have noticed, the Tales Channel has a couple of new Tales of Graces banners. In the banners are the main characters' Blast Caliber cut-ins and the group art used in the Wii bundle, all have been added to our gallery.

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.