It seems there will be no Tales of Festival for this 2022.
Announced during the recently concluded Tales of Series Events live stream, the next Tales of Festival will be Tales of Festival 2023, to be held on June 10-11, 2023. Going back to Festival roots, the 2023 Festival will be held once again at Yokohama Arena.
It seems this year, 2022, will not have a Tales of Festival.
As part of the celebration towards Tales of Festival 2023, a new project called "Road to TOF" was also revealed. The project is a series of major Tales of Series events leading up to the eventual 2023 Festival. A teaser website is currently up online.
The first of the events is the Tales of Arise 1st Anniversary Party, which was also announced during the live stream. You can read more about it in our separate coverage post.
In addition to the Tales of Arise 1st Anniversary Party, the website shows two more scheduled events, one on November 2022, and another on January 2023. Details for the said dates have not yet been revealed.

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