Tales of Festival '08 Merchandise Update

The Tales of Festival '08 Site just updated the Tales of Festival merchandise list with a bunch of Vesperia stuff. It says there that these are also available via preorders online, but they didn't state exactly how to place an order =\n
ToV T-Shirt (Knights) - 2940 Yen
Tales of Vesperia T-Shirt (Empire) 2940 Yen
ToV T-Shirt (Evil Teacher) - 2940 Yen
ToV T-Shirt (Yuri) - 2940 Yen
ToV T-Shirt (The Five Main Guilds - 2940 Yen
ToV Hand Towel Set (comes in Yuri, Estelle, Flynn and ToV Logo sets) - 2100 Yen
ToV Cushions (Town Emblems) - 3990 Yen

The Tales of Festival 2008 will be on the 23rd of this month. Those who'll be able to go... you lucky bastards XDDD. Enjoy yourselves!

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.