Tales of Crestoria has announced that the next Premium Summons will feature SSR memoria stones with New Year-themed art for Luke and Cheria! The memoria stones are named "Luke [New Year's First Light]" and "Cheria [A New Year's Banquet]." Like other summons, a 10x summon (costing 2,500 gleamstones) will guarantee at least one SR memoria stone. If you receive either of these memoria stones from the summons, the featured character will also join your team as a playable character and their themed outfit will be added to the Character Room. Luke already has an SSR character and memoria stone in his standard outfit, but this is his first version with a seasonal outfit. Cheria has only ever appeared as an SR character in Tales of Crestoria, so this is her first SSR version at all.

Unlike previous summons, each pull from this one will provide a New Year Gift item, which can be exchanged for various prizes. 100 of these gifts can be exchanged for an SSR Summon Ticket. 40 can be exchanged for a grab bag that contains either enough ascension board crystals to heavily upgrade one character, 120 rainbow artes tomes III (enough to train two characters' artes to the max level), or 25 of each of the improved adorning stones. 5 gifts can be exchanged for 2,021,000 gald and 1 gift can be exchanged for 1,000 gald.
The new Luke memoria stone has a maximum HP of 9,000, a max ATK of 1,400, and max DEF of 1,200. His maxed out memoria skill is Mastery VI (Sword), which provides +60% damage to a sword-type ally's mystic arte. Luke himself has a maximum HP of 23,500, max ATK of 3,050, and max DEF of 2,900 at level 100 when fully awakened. His awakened character skill is called "Fabre Brand Mochi" (a clever tie-in with the New Year's event story) and provides an 8% ATK increase to all allies as well as a 14% ATK increase to sword-type allies. His artes are Steel (ATK up 30% and CRIT rate up 40%, self, 3 turns) and Raging Havoc (170% ATK, 3 hits, 1 enemy). His mystic arte is Goodwill Mission (140% ATK, 4 hits, all enemies, inflicts Weak on all enemies for 3 turns). The art for both the character and memoria stone features Luke in a New Year's kimono with the symbol from his regular coat. He is smiling excitedly and pointing to the sunrise.
The new Cheria memoria stone has a maximum HP of 13,500, a max ATK of 750, and max DEF of 1,400. Her maxed out memoria skill is Ironclad VI (Fire), which gives a fire ally +56% DEF for 2 turns at the start of a battle. Cheria herself has a maximum HP of 33,200, max ATK of 1,880, and max DEF of 3,100 at level 100 when fully awakened. Her awakened character skill is called "A Taste of New Year's" and provides a 10% increase to the maximum HP of fire allies as well as 15% DEF to dagger-type allies. Her artes are Veil of Faith (DEF up 20%, all allies, 3 turns) and Fairy Circle (restore 30% HP to all allies). Her mystic arte is Plumishing Blossom (restore 65% HP to all allies). Cheria's art for both the character and memoria stone shows her wearing a New Year's kimono while enjoying a New Year's banquet. A Mecha-Asbel doll holding mochi can be seen in the background.
There are also several New Year-themed attachments available through various missions during the month of January. For the New Year attachments collection, Tales of Crestoria has added a Mecha-Asbel Kite, Mieu Mochi, and Lion Dancer Outfit that resembles Heldalf.
This Summon will run for about two weeks from Thursday, January 31st, at 2:00am EST to Thursday, January 21st, at 1:59am EST. The New Year Gift exchange will be available from Thursday, December 31st at 2:00am to Wednesday, January 27th at 1:59am. The attachment missions are available from Wednesday, December 30th at 3:00pm EST to Friday, January 15th at 2:59pm EST, with the special attachment ticket exchange running until Wednesday, January 20th, at 2:59pm EST. Good luck!