Tales of Asteria Receives Tales of Arise Characters and New Collab

Possible Spoilers

The Tales of Arise cast joins Tales of Asteria! Beware! There may be some spoilers in the characters' representation during the trailer.

It's Tales of Asteria's turn to welcome the Arise cast this time! Check out the new trailer below!

WARNING: Possible spoilers for those who have yet to complete playing Tales of Arise. Avoid the trailer if you’re trying to completely avoid Tales of Arise spoilers.


First, Alphen, Shionne, Rinwell and Law are going to join Tales of Arise -- followed by Kisara and Dohalim later on.

New Collab With Illustrators

Still on the Asteria train, a new set of units will be released -- this time featuring art from various famous artists that have never worked with the series before! The first new unit being Edna (from Tales of Zestiria), illustrated by Kouhaku Kuroboshi (黒星紅白).

Some of his previous works include Illustrations for the Kino's Journey light novel series as well as the character design for Hololive-EN member Ninomae Ina'nis.

Many more to come in the future!

About a745 1744 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.