Here's our first look at Kotobukiya's upcoming Tales of Arise Dohalim figure!
Kotobukiya's upcoming 1/8 scale figure of Dohalim from Tales of Arise was previously announced during the Tales of YouTube Channel Winter Special Live Stream last December 2021. This is the first update we've received since then!
From the Tales Channel official Twitter, we get our first glimpse at the uncolored prototype of Kotobukiya's 1/8 scale Tales of Arise Dohalim figure. Check out the photos below:
So far, Dohalim is looking good! More information on the figure's release date will be released soon. Pre-orders are not yet open, and usually do open when the colored prototype figures are out.
Dohalim is one of the more popular characters in Tales of Arise and currently holds the crown for the top Tales of Series character in the latest edition of the official Tales of Series Popularity Poll held in 2021.
Recently, the Kotobukiya Tales of Arise 1/8 Scale Alphen figure had just been recently released, with stocks still available at Tokyo Otaku Mode and Amiami. Meanwhile, we are still waiting for prototypes on the Tales of Arise 1/7 Scale Shionne figures by Amiami.

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