The official Tales of Crestoria Twitter account revealed a new trailer to be shown at TGS 2018.
この映像は明日からの「#東京ゲームショウ 2018」バンダイナムコエンターテインメントブースにて上映されます。
ぜひ会場の大きなスクリーンでもご覧ください。#テイクレ pic.twitter.com/hxRN2USVNo
— 【公式】テイルズ オブ クレストリア情報局【事前登録受付中】 (@to_crestoria) September 19, 2018
The trailer appears to detail how the Vision Orbs operates, the two lead characters escaping from the Executioner, which then transitions to a group shot of the main party brandishing their weapons. As mentioned in our last Crestoria post, this trailer was a collaboration production between DJ Yasutaka Nakata and anime studio Kamikaze Douga.
We're expecting to see some more details revealed during Tokyo Game Show this weekend, and the upcoming weekly Famitsu.

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