Starting today, Tales Channel Plus, Japan's official Tales of Series portal site, is now sporting a new look.
Tales Channel Plus (+), the official Tales or Series portal website for Japan, has undergone a major overhaul, complete with a new logo. The website has been redesigned with new features, while some existing features have been modified with the goal of making things easier to understand.
On its homepage, we're greeted with the recent 25th-anniversary video as its opening.
Navigating to the Tales titles is now made easier and quicker in a book-like format. Clicking the game will open up a new product introduction page containing information, story summaries, screenshots, character profiles, and sales information for the game. Games are listed in chronological order of release, but you can also view them by the system they're in. In addition, the games are now tagged as either Original or Crossover, the newly implemented classification that replaces the old "Mothership or Escort" segregation.
Members-only content such as the daily quiz, Viva Lympic and the monthly wallpaper are now higher up in the page. Note that no-members will not have this part show up, so be sure to login first.