It looks like Namdai won't bother making "official announcements on magazine scans" for some of the new characters, especially since they've been leaked already.
This week, we get a surprise appearance from Tales of Legendia's Shirley Fennes despite the lack of any announcement of her being in the roster, along with Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia), Caius Qualls (Tales of the Tempest) and Pasca Kanonno (Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology).
Shirley's original Mystic Arte, ???? (Umi no Iyashi, Urel Nerifes/Healing of the Ocean) boasts the beauty of her Teriques and a surprise placing of her cut-in. Caius's Beast Blow is the same save for his awesome new cut-in. Lloyd's Falcon's Crest (Tenshou Souhazan, ????? ) is also pretty much the same as before and Pasca Kanonno's Unchained Note is the same as the other two Kanonnos', but this time with a rain of pink flower petals. Except for her's, this is the first time we get to see all of these characters' cut-ins.