RUMOR: Tales of Zestiria Might Be Heading To Steam

An entry for Tales of Zestiria just appeared on Steam's database. shows a new page that might hint at Tales of Zestiria heading to Steam. At present, the entry on Steam's database is named as "TOZ," but a quick check on Google's cache of the page earlier shows that it indeed says "Tales of Zestiria."

At the time of writing, the Google cache has already been updated to the most recent page, but we can personally confirm that it indeed had "Tales of Zestiria" earlier.

There's also another rumor floating around that the game will also be making its way to the PlayStation 4. This first stemmed up from a making of video for a commercial for PlayStation 4 video games, where Japanese actor Takayuki Yamada is being recorded playing a PS4 console, and a screen on the side shows Tales of Zestiria for a split second (specifically at 1:50 of the video) :

However, we're disregarding this for now given that the video the Zestiria footage was taken from is the old PlayStation 20th anniversary video in general, and not specifically for the PS4. The exact same scene of Tales of Zestiria in the making of video of the PS4 commercial appears in the 1:38 mark of the 20th anniversary video:

For all we know, they could've just had the video playing on the side on that exact same time. We're not saying it's not happening, but we're disregarding this rumor.

For now, anyway.

Tales of Zestiria was released in Japan on January 22, 2015, and will be releasedin North America and Europe sometime in the future. Oders are still available at the following shops:


About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.