RUMOR: Tales of Hearts R Might Be Coming To The West?

UPDATE (04/14/2014): Gamestop had the game listed on their website earlier today, but it was taken down within an hour. This is what the entry looked like (thanks to cutepresea for the screenshot):

This doesn't verify anything other than the fact that Gamestop had it listed not once, but twice in their directories. It is still a RUMOR until we get word from Gamestop or Namco Bandai about the situation.

Some GameStop employees have informed us that as of yesterday, a game called "Tales of Heart" has been added to their games database. You can even pre-order it on GameStop branches.

The game is apparently listed in GameStop's printed pre-order list for $39.99. It was also apparently added to their computer database and is actually already available for pre-order if you go to a GameStop branch. So far, people are assuming that it's Tales of Hearts R for the PlayStation Vita.

With no news so far from Bandai Namco, this is filed as a RUMOR for now, so please take it with a grain of salt.

Tales of Hearts was originally for the Nintendo DS which is the first game to have a version with CG cutscenes aside from the usual animated ones. Later, it got a remake, or rather, a re-imagination for the PlayStation Vita in the form of Tales of Hearts R, featuring new 3D graphics, new content and turning one previously non-playable character to be playable.

Thanks to Jamie Nelson and @ArcanaLegacy for the heads-up.

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.