RM2 Updates (Plus A Few Teensy Gallery Updates)

Late I know, but like I said, I was away for a few days.
Anyway, the official Radiant Mythology 2 site has been updated with 3 new character videos for Reid Hershel (Tales of Eternia), Mao (Tales of Rebirth) and Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia) (you can view all three here), and 4 new videos on the system page. The character videos show Hi-Ougis for them except Mao, who instead sings and shows a bit of battle footage. The first video covers picking the name for your character, the gender, and the basic job class. The second video shows choosing a hairstyle, hair extension, hair color, eye type, eye color, mouth type, character pose (possibly for victories), and voice type. The third video basically just focuses on those character poses. Lastly, the fourth video shows your character participating in the arena. One thing interesting to note is you can choose what BGM plays in an arena fight. Also, Jade's name appears in the arena, together with Zelos' name, as an arena goal "Beat Zelos and Jade." So Jade appears in the arena, but we still have no concrete proof he's playable.

As for the gallery, added some official/concept art for RM2, higher resolution images of the preorder bonuses for ToH from GameWatch and updated the TotA Anime Official Art Gallery with new character art (Susanne's at the previous page).

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.