Radiant Mythology 2 Updates + Site Updates

The Radiant Mythology 2 site has been updated with a News, and a Spec page.

The News page contains news about the game, while the Spec page currently has info on the preorder bonus DVD, currently titled just "Special DVD," so expect that to change (Click thumbnail above to view). Also, the Spec page also shows their advertisement poster, as well as being able to load your Radiant Mythology 1 savefiles to unlock certain things, such as:Seven Summer (Sebun Samaa) weapon and the beat Jade and Zelos in the arena quest. There's one more, but I can't understand it much. Also, the game will be using the PlayStation Spot feature of the PSP. Either this is for a demo or such is currently unknown.

As for site updates, AMV of the Month up~ Oh, and one thing, has anyone been experiencing difficulties visiting the site? Such as, the status bar of your browser says "Done" but nothing shows up? (Please, comments will be appreciated XD)

Also, we'd like to extend our Zelos-filled (XD) congratulations to Bee for winning an Xbox 360 from Tales Brigade! Congratulations!

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.