A new major story DLC is coming to Tales of Arise this November, set one year after the game!
Announced in today's (September 14, 2023) PlayStation State of Play, a major story DLC titled Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn will be on sale beginning November 9, 2023. A new trailer was shown during the State of Play. You can also view the Japanese version trailer here.
The new DLC is set one year after the events of the main game. Though the conflict between the two planets of Dahna and Rena have been solved by our main party, conflicts between the citizens of the two planets remain at odds. The trailer implies that the main cast had gone their separate ways initially, with Alphen and Shionne traveling together to ease said conflicts.
They stumble upon Nazamil, a young girl the Dahnans are after mainly because she is allegedly the daughter of one of the Lords. The party gets back together to solve this conflict in this story DLC. In the description of the Japanese version of the trailer, it is mentioned that Nazamil carries both Dahnan and Renan blood, indicating she may be some sort of an llegitimate child of one of the Lords.
More info on the DLC:
These are mainly from the Japanese website.
- The story DLC is set to be around ~20 hours long
- Will feature new costumes (see below), dungeons and quests.
- Nazamil is not playable and will mostly just be in cutscenes. The website indicates that "she is destined to confront Alphen and the rest eventually"...
- You can play the DLC even if you haven't cleared the main game.
- Regardless of your level in Arise, you will start Beyond the Dawn at a set level to allow equal enjoyment and experience for all.
- DLC from Beyond the Dawn and the main game can be used in each (i.e. you can use costumes from Beyond the Dawn into the main game, and vice versa), with the exception of certain EX quests from Beyond the Dawn that can't be played from the main game.
- Depending on how far you are and your achievements (i.e. quests done, etc) in the main Tales of Arise game, you will get various bonuses in Beyond the Dawn.
More info on Nazamil
Nazamil is a young girl with unique blood and a unique power. Although born with the privilege of being the daughter of a Lord, she is continuously shunned because of her origins and has been persecuted from a young age. Because of this, she has closed off her heart and pretends to be indifferent and apathetic towards everything. She has a huge inferiority complex because of her circumstances, and has already given up all hope on being accepted by anyone. While wandering alone after being chased out of a town she had stopped by at, she encounters Alphen and the others.
The Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn DLC will be released for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series S|X and PC Digital via STEAM on November 9, 2023 worldwide. The current Japanese price is 3,600 Yen plus Tax. The base game Tales of Arise is required to play the DLC. The DLC includes a New Journey Support pack (items), a Silver Weapon Collection, and new costumes:
We finally now have an answer what that Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn trademark is.

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