Hootle swoops in, toppling down Repede's 4-time streak for this year.
Yesterday, Tales of Arise's Dohalim took the crown from Tales of Zestiria's Mikleo as best overall Tales character based on fan votes. For today, this time it's Hootle that swoops down to grab the crown from Tales of Vesperia's Repede! Fresh from Tales of Festival 2021 Day Two, here are the rest of the results of the Official Tales of Series Character Ranking for 2021!
For those who missed them, the overall character ranking is here.
Favorite Mascot Character
- #01: Hootle - Tales of Arise (new entry)
- #02: Repede - Tales of Vesperia (previously #1)
- #03: Mieu - Tales of the Abyss (no change)
- #04: Rollo - Tales of Xillia 2 (previously #2)
- #05: Normin - Tales of Zestiria (previously #4)
- #06: Quickie - Tales of Eternia (previously #7)
- #07: Teepo - Tales of Xillia (previously #6)
- #08: Noishe - Tales of Symphonia (previously not ranked)
- #09: Karia/Karya - Tales of the Rays (previously not ranked)
- #10: Zapie - Tales of Rebirth (previously not ranked); Bienfu - Tales of Berseria (previously #5); Corrine - Tales of Symphonia (previously #10)
Character You Would Want to Hold a Winter Party With
- #01: Zelos Wilder - Tales of Symphonia
- #02: Dohalim il Qaras - Tales of Arise
- #03: Ludger Will Kresnik - Tales of Xillia 2
- #04: Lloyd Irving - Tales of Symphonia
- #05: Rose - Tales of Zestiria
Character You Would Want to Cook at Camp With
- #01: Ludger Will Kresnik - Tales of Xillia 2
- #02: Kisara - Tales of Arise
- #03: Yuri Lowell - Tales of Vesperia
- #04: Velvet Crowe - Tales of Berseria
- #05: Mikleo - Tales of Zestiria
And that completes this year's Official Tales of Character Popularity Ranking! This is the 9th official reiteration of this. You can see the results of the previous popularity rankings here.
All Tales of Festival 2021 Day Two news can be found here!

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