Lovely new screenshots from GPara have been added to the gallery. The game screenshots are here, the animated sequence screenshots are here. Thanks to Ju-da-su from our forums for the heads up, who also credits KarokKung from the TwinTales forum.
The article mainly talks about all the things I said in my last Vesperia, update, plus info on the two new towns, Heriod and Dangrest. That said, I'm almost done with the Tales of Vesperia section (seriously). Most of them are rough translations, but I'll put it out soon anyway and just have Belmont or DarkRyu correct it in the future. I think both are quite busy with exams. That said, if someone could post info about how to do the Burst Artes and the Fatal Strikes I'd be thankful, because those're the parts I didn't understand correctly
That said, would anyone like to step up and recommend his/her own AMV for AMV of the Month this July? I've been so busy that I haven't been able to lurk around YouTube looking for one -_-;