New ToV Media, New ToS-R Info/CM (Updated), New Tales for the DS

A bunch of updates. For Tales of Vesperia, the Repede wallpaper is now available. It's over at the gallery, but here're the links anyway:

1280x1024 | 1024x768

We also have a new scan courtesy of Rpgmonkey from the Tales Forums. The scan features Rita and Karol Capel. A translation by Rpgmonkey are as follows:

Rita: Girl who studies/researches Blastia. Hates to have her research interrupted and is quick-tempered. Eccentric, and has a poor social disposition. He says she used magic to create a giant cat hand.

Karol Capel: Member of the Hunting Blades Guild (Called "Makari no Tsurugi" in Japanese though IIRC). He is twelve years old. He accompanies Yuri because of some circumstances.

For ToS-R, the screenshots that SV mentioned are now up in our gallery here. The next page has more. They also have a new commercial up, which you canview here. The cover for misono's CD/DVD for Nininsankyaku was also put up inmisono's official website, and is also in the gallery, here.

EDIT (May 16th, 2008 ): We have a new scan from GoNintendo. It has pretty much the same updates as SV mentioned. And the screenshots.

And for that new Tales for the DS, a list of Namdai's future releases are found inthis PDF file. There is a line there which says: "Tales of Series" (Title To Be Declared) for the Nintendo DS. This could be either Tales of the Heart, Genesis, or Nexus, the names that were copyrighted before.

Just to point something out, early on when this PDF was released, Namdai actually had Tales of Vesperia under an "Xbox 360/PlayStation 3" release. We have a screenshot here (from Shadowrep of our forums). BUT after that they did officially announce it as a typographical error over at the Namdai official website, and it has become XB360 exclusive again in the list.

EDIT (May 16th, 2008 ): So, the PC's been reformatted. But now the internet cafe owner won't let me install my programs anymore, nor let me save my files here (except Photoshop). This is bad, way bad. Aw apple gels!

Plans for Version 3 are still under way.

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.