New ToV Mag Scans + Kane Wo Narashite Rip + ToH Licensed by Namdai US??

Four new scans courtesy of Rpgmonkey for the Official Tales Forum

EDIT: [RUMOR] According to this article by Silconera, it seems that "Tales of Hearts" has been licensed by Namco Bandai US. I'm not so sure how reliable this information is, so we'll have to leave it as a rumor for now. Another article here from DS Fanboy.

Nothing that new in the scans, except for the appearance of a new villain, you'll see him in the first scan, the girly looking guy with the blue hair. From the katakana, his name is "Cumor" (KUMORRU) Bits and bits of the story are also being shown, like in that same scan, a kid named Ted informs Yuri that the town's Water Blastia has been stolen. Afterwhich, he is able to corner the thief in another house (if you've read the Xbox Magazine scans of ToV we posted before, Yuri broke an entry to chase after said thief), and he calls the thief "Mordio." If you guys can recall, Mordio is the family name Rita uses. Other tidbits include how Yuri meets all the other party members, plus some other villains.

These are also higher quality scans of the scans in the previous post, the ones showing the bunny ears attachment for Rita and the mustache (O_o) attachment for Yuri.

Lastly, we just added a PV rip mp3 of "Kane wo Narashite" over at theTales of Vesperia Audio Page. Please endure that until we manage to get a hold of the ones from the actual CD ^^;

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.