New ToDDC, ToR PSP, ToS-R and ToS OVA Info +Site Stuff

The Tales of Destiny Director's Cut homepage has just been updated with the Characters page. Info on the basic ToD characters are there, with Leon being the one at the top. What puzzles us is Lilith still isn't in the list. They also updated it with the proper items included in the Premium Box (Leon fanservice FTW XD), as well as a bigger version of the boxart. And speaking of the boxart, we found it courtesy of desenderterresia89 from our forums. You can view it here. According to The Magic Box, over 300,000 preorders have already been made for this game, 200,000 of which are for the premium box (make that 200,001 'cause I'm getting it too :P).

For Tales of Rebirth PSP, an official release date has been revealed by GameStar (courtesy of Kouli), as well as a few tidbits about the game. It'll come out on March 19th this year and will cost 5,040 Yen (4,480 for the GS mailorder price). This new PSP port will have an arena (with features similar to TotA's, weapons, titles, etc.) plus some new story events, wide screen, and gallery.

For Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk, more info on the storyline and battle system has been revealed over at GameWatch. A translation for it can be found at RPGFan (still no sign of Kratos :O)

And lastly, a release of Tales of Symphonia the Animation Staff Commemorative Book and Key Animations will be out soon with prices of 1000 Yen and 2,500 Yen respectively. They contain some tidbits and art from the staff to commemorate the successful release of all four episodes of the Sylvarant Arc.

For the Site, aside from the Tales of Innocence Soundtrack being online (courtesy of MewArrow :3), all of the Tales of pages will be under construction only until tomorrow (hopefully). We're also moving most of the Videos and Audios to MediaFire slowly but surely, so expect links of them to be up. I'm going to be doing a lot of backend editing for the site, so expect links to be a little... meh. Haha. We've also started an affiliation program with YesAsia, which works the same as our affiliation with PlayAsia. We'd really appreciate it if you order from YesAsia through us (that way we can get that bloody contest over with XD)... We currently have $27 in Play-Asia, and $20+ in PayPal. We're aiming for $60-70 for the hefty prize :3...

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.