The latest issue of Famitsu Magazine details the newly revealed character, Rose, as well as a few new game plot details and Edna and Dezel's Mystic Artes.

We also see a bit of Edna and Dezel's in-game Mystic Artes. Edna's is Venerate Mine while Dezel's is Brutality Whip

One small screenshot in the scans shows Rose in what seems to be either different clothes or different-colored clothes. The screenshot is too small to see.

Scans c/o ExeForce87. Thanks!
Tales of Zestiria will be released in Japan on January 22, 2015, and in North America and Europe sometime in the future. Pre-orders are now available at the following shops:
- Regular Edition (US) - Play-Asia | Amazon
- Regular Edition (EU) - Play-Asia | ShopTo.net (UK)
- Regular Edition (JP) - Play-Asia
- Regular Edition (AU) - EBGames AU
- Lalabit Market Limited Edition (JP) - CDJapan