New Tales of Zestiria Famitsu Scans Give More Info On Rose And Some Mystic Artes

The latest issue of Famitsu Magazine details the newly revealed character, Rose, as well as a few new game plot details and Edna and Dezel's Mystic Artes.

Rose is a member of the merchants guild "Wagtail Feathers" (romaji Sekirei no Hane). She is good at socializing with others and holds her own opinions, but may become unaccepting of unreasonable things. Despite having high "Spirit Powers," she is originally unable to see the Divine, but upon joining Sorey on his journey, Rose's ability to see the Divine began to manifest. It seems that the reason she was originally unable to sense the Divine is related to her past.

Throughout the world, you can find Blessing Divines. Finding them will allow you to ask them for a blessing of some sort, which may benefit you in the game somehow.

We also see a bit of Edna and Dezel's in-game Mystic Artes. Edna's is Venerate Mine while Dezel's is Brutality Whip

One small screenshot in the scans shows Rose in what seems to be either different clothes or different-colored clothes. The screenshot is too small to see.

And in one scan, we see Zaveid with the party as part of an official illustration from ufotable. So, this probably means that he's playable?

Scans c/o ExeForce87. Thanks!

Tales of Zestiria will be released in Japan on January 22, 2015, and in North America and Europe sometime in the future. Pre-orders are now available at the following shops:


About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.