New Tales of Xillia Milla and Lilial Orb Videos + Wallpaper & Pre-order Bonus

The official Tales of Xillia site has been updated with Milla's character video and a system video on the Lilial/Rereal Orb system. We also get to see the mascot charm pre-order bonus and a Milla wallpaper.

[PS3] Tales of Xillia Character Video - Milla Maxwell

[PS3] Tales of Xillia System Video - Lilial/Rereal Orb
The links above are from Namdai's YouTube channel. We'll be uploading them to AC's YT channel once I get back (or to anyone in the staff, if you could, thanks. I'm in school right now.).

We also get a look at the mascot charms that will be available as one of the many pre-order bonuses (those who pre-ordered get one of the four at random):

And with Milla's character video also comes her wallpaper:

1024x768 | 1280x1024

And this may be relevant, but as I was looking at the official site's flash files again, I noticed that they named "Lilial/Rereal Orb" as... well... "Ririal Aube".

Lastly, to those who are still after them, Play-Asia has reopened the pre-orders for the Kyun Chara Bundle and the Famitsu DX Bundle, though at a slight price increase. Pre-orders for the game's OST, both the regular and limited edition versions (comes with an extra talk CD and DLC codes) are also up.

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.