The official Tales of Xillia site has been updated with Milla's character video and a system video on the Lilial/Rereal Orb system. We also get to see the mascot charm pre-order bonus and a Milla wallpaper.
[PS3] Tales of Xillia Character Video - Milla Maxwell
[PS3] Tales of Xillia System Video - Lilial/Rereal Orb
The links above are from Namdai's YouTube channel. We'll be uploading them to AC's YT channel once I get back (or to anyone in the staff, if you could, thanks. I'm in school right now.).
We also get a look at the mascot charms that will be available as one of the many pre-order bonuses (those who pre-ordered get one of the four at random):
And with Milla's character video also comes her wallpaper:

1024x768 | 1280x1024
And this may be relevant, but as I was looking at the official site's flash files again, I noticed that they named "Lilial/Rereal Orb" as... well... "Ririal Aube".
Lastly, to those who are still after them, Play-Asia has reopened the pre-orders for the Kyun Chara Bundle and the Famitsu DX Bundle, though at a slight price increase. Pre-orders for the game's OST, both the regular and limited edition versions (comes with an extra talk CD and DLC codes) are also up.