New Tales of Graces Scan - Sophie's BC Cut-in & BoA Songstress Costume

A new Tales of Graces scan from Weekly Shonen Jump gives us a look at Sophie's Blast Caliber cut-in. The names of Asbel and Sophie's Blast Calibers are also shown here.

New ToG ScanAsbel's featured BC is "?????" (juuha goushozan) and Sophie's is "??????????" (Critical Blade, kuritikaru bureedo). Info on the Arles Gauge is also shown. So far, being in Arles Rise mode disregards the use of CC during your moves. More info on this when more detailed scans surface. Click the Sophie thumbnail to view the scan.


BoA Original CostumeAlso from the scan, we now have an idea of what the previously announced "BoA Original Costume" is. In the scan, we see Cheria sporting the clothes BoA wore during her 2008 Live Tour. Though the scan doesn't mention if the said costume is for Cheria only, that most likely is the case. The download code for this costume called "??" (Songstress) will only be available from the "Tales of Graces version" of her Mamoritai ~White Wishes~ single, coming out this December 9. BoA's official site also states that this version will come with a download code for a weapon ( ????? ). Her site also has the CD covers up. To those who missed the update on our Twitter, the Tales of Graces version has this lovely Asbel and Sophie cover.


About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.