New Mobile Social Game Tales of Card Evolve Announced

Tales of Card Evolve, a new Tales mobile social game for GREE, was officially announced today at Day 2 of Tales of Festival 2012.
If you'll recall, the name is one of three Tales trademarks Namco Bandai JP recently filed. It's basically a card game featuring newly illustrated cards with Tales characters from previous titles.

There are several hundreds of cards available, and they can be synthesized or evolved to make them stronger. Cards can evolve up to level 3, and when cards evolve, their illustration changes, too.

The game's setting borrows from previous Tales games, so it will first start with Tales of Phantasia's setting. The Tales staple skits are also used to tell the story.

Being a social game, you can have your friends play with you as allies or you can battle with them.

Tales of Card Evolve's official site is now online. There's a 2D code there that will let you register in advance, and you can get a card featuring Yuri and Repede on it.

They still haven't given specific mechanics on how gameplay is though. We'll update on that once info comes up.

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.