New Hearts and RM2 Updates~

LOL, I uploaded the videos earlier, but I was playing Persona 4 engaging in some leisurely activities XD -shot-.

First off, info on the RM2 preorder bonus has been updated. It'll be called "Golden Gumi Dramatic DVD." Contents include:
~ Chat Drama: Viva Tales of - Golden Victory
~ TOWRM2 Manga Series Episodes 1 & 2
~ Golden Victory Special Interview
~ Game Setting Collection (Probably art)
~ TOWRM2 HQ Opening Movie
~ TOWRM2 Promotional Movies (Trailers before) 1 & 2
~ TOWRM2 Special Battle Movie

Next, new videos. For RM2, new character videos for Leon/Lion Magnus,Bruiser Khang/Mighty Kongman (Tales of Destiny), Harold Belserius(Tales of Destiny 2) and Colette/Collet Brunel. You can view them in one video here.

Lastly, new videos again for Tales of Hearts:
Battle Video 7 - Backup/Relief Attacks - Attacks wherein you call in cameo characters to do an attack for you. Here, we have Jade, Lloyd and Judas, plus that someone from Idol Master.
Skit Video 5 - Ghosts in the Aqueducts - The party talks about a ghost story they've heard about the aqueducts they're currently in... But why the heck does everyone have different versions?
Skit Video 6 - PuniPuni TapuTapu - Beryl comments that it's cold, then gets into an argument with Innes. Kunzite offers to do something, but Innes respectfully declines, saying she should be careful of whatever Kunzite was offering from now on.
Skit Video 7 - Kohak, You're Stepping on a Landmine - Kohak tries to stop Beryl and Innes from an argument, but ends up making matters worse. Kunzite comments that she just "stepped on a landmine" (or "suicide bombing" if you want to take it literally)

I'd like to take this time to announce that version 3 will take longer than expected, 'cause I've started to do something a bit more different than my usual html tables layout. It won't take -that- long, but I'm still not too sure. Hopefully, whatever this is I'm doing will help those with slow loading times. Maybe.

Oh, and next update will be TotA 11. Hopefully. (THIS SERIES IS CURSSEDD)

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.