Introducing Tales of the Town - A Tales-Themed Social Browser Game

Presenting Tales of the Town, a Tales-themed soon to open little social browser game.


This news is actually pretty old (it's been around since the first week of February), but I only thought of giving it attention only now.

So what is Tales of the Town? It is apparently an extension of the already existing BaNaFes! Town, a little social browser game similar to sites like TinierMe, AmebaPico or even Gaia Online.

What happens once Tales of the Town is launched? Using avatar items, you can recreate your BaNafFes! Town avatars to make them look like Tales charaters, such as Asbel, Emil, Caius or even Kanonno Grassvalley.

Second, new areas that are similar to areas in Tales will be available, specifically the town of Zaphias (Tales of Vesperia), that flowerbed area in the town of Lhant (Tales of Graces) and the 1st Floor Hall of the Van Eltia (Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3).

And third, in the 1F Hall of the Van Eltia, you can access a new original game, Tales of the Big Millionare ( ????????? ), which seems to look like a sort of battle card game.

Aside from that, once the town opens, people can receive some special presents, namely avatar items of the equipment of the Descender in RM3.Tales of the Town will be opening soon for beta testing.

About a745 1744 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.