Get Tales of the World: Dice Adventure Items From The Game's Theme Song CD

There's been a lack of news, so I thought I'd post this anyway toung.gif.

Tales of the World: Dice Adventure, Namco Bandai's upcoming Tales browser game, is expected to be open around late April of this year. This free-to-play browser game is like a hybrid between your standard Tales RPG and a dice-rolling board game. It will let you control and team up with various Tales of Series characters, featuring them in new chibi-fied art.

In this game, you actually have your own avatar, similar to the ones used in Tales of the Town and Banafes! Town. As you go through the game board, you may engage other players in a battle using your own roster of Tales of Series characters (in chibi form).

We reported before that one way to add more characters to your roster is by buying some Tales of the World: Dice Adventure Wafers which will come with random character cards with codes that you can use to add them to your game. Said wafers will be available starting May 2, 2012.

You can also get an additional two Tales characters for your team, as well as a unique equip for your avatar if you order the game's theme song single, Chizu no Arika by Daisy x Daisy. The single will come with a normal CD-only version and a special limited edition version with a DVD.

Depending on which version you order, you can get either Cless Alvein (from the limited edition version) or Milla Maxwell (from the normal CD-only version). Whichever you order, you will also get a Two-piece Jacket avatar item (which seems to be for girls... hrmmm). Said jacket is actually the same one that's on the CD-only version cover. The CD+DVD version will also have Dice Adventure's trailer in it, and will be released this March 21st.

The single is now available for pre-order in the following stores:

Chizu no Arika by Daisy x Daisy - CD Only Normal Version
Bonus: Two-piece Jacket avatar item and Milla Maxwell
Available at:
- YesAsia
- CDJapan

Chizu no Arika by Daisy x Daisy - CD+DVD Limited Edition
Bonus: Two-piece Jacket avatar item and Cless Alvein
Available at:
- Play-Asia (PA only has this version, for some reason)
- YesAsia
- CDJapan

And again, if you have a Banafes! account, you may pre-register for Dice Adventure and receive some game bonuses: Jude Mathis for your party and a Falcon Jacket for your game board avatar.

About a745 1745 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.