A Few New Tales of Xillia Scans From Tales of Magazine

Here are a few new magazine scans of Tales of Xillia from Volume 5 of Viva! Tales of Magazine. Though there really isn't anything concretely new, the scans share a few nice to know things about the game. 

The first scan talks about the two still-unknown people in the game's cover art. The magazine mentions that the two are indeed designed both by Kosuke Fujishima and Mutsumi Inomata, though it doesn't clearly say who designed who. The two characters are also present in the game's openings, and are people of high position.

The second scan has a picture of a Milla Maxwell-themed dessert. I believe the dessert is for Ufotable Cafe's Tales of Cafe that will be running this July and then on September at Tokushima and Kouenji, Tokyo. The dish is apparently made from Turkish ice cream.


This third scan focuses on the relationship between Jude and Alvin. In the game, the two share a bond as if they were siblings, with Alvin looking out for the guy. In the scan, one screenshot has Jude seemingly trying to imitate Alvin.

This last scan talks about this person that we've all seen way, way back. There really isn't anything much in the scan, since it just discusses the possible identity of the person. One thing's for sure though, the scan says that person's a girl.

About a745 1746 Articles
A745 (or Abby, as most people call her) is the founder of Abyssal Chronicles. She is currently a doctor, but that doesn't stop her from showing her love for the Tales of Series. She loves potato chips. A lot.